We see complaints as an important tool in continually improving our service.
Anyone who comes into contact with our service and is unhappy or dissatisfied can complain.
When complaining about a member of our team, we can only handle complaints that are specifically related to direct experience of the execution of their duties, that are made by individuals or organisations that have interacted with our steam while performing said duties. This policy also covers members of Council and committees.
We do not accept complaints made about our team concerning issues related to their personal lives, nor do we accept complaints about our team made by competitor organisations or similar.
In the first instance, please address your complaint to the Society’s Head of Membership Services at the Society’s headquarters. They will forward your complaint to the appropriate line manager of the member of staff concerned. (If your complaint is about the Head of Membership Services, please address your complaint to the Society’s Chief Executive.)
Once you have made a complaint to the Society, we aim to send you an acknowledgement within five working days.
We expect to respond to the majority of complaints within 28 working days of receiving the complaint. The time taken to respond will vary depending on the urgency and complexity of the complaint. If we are unable to respond within 28 working days because, for example, the matters you raise require more detailed work, we will let you know.
Complaints are dealt with by the appropriate line manager of the member of our team complained about.
Once the Society has considered your complaint and sent you a response, the decision is final. We may acknowledge any further correspondence from you but, unless it raises new issues that we consider significant, we will not send further replies.
If you would like to send us a compliment, about a member of our team or the Society, please email teamcomplaints@nationalhypnotherapeysociety.org.
19 Grafton Road
West Sussex
BN11 1QT