National Hypnotherapy Society | Terms & Conditions

Website Terms & Conditions

The National Hypnotherapy Society is not responsible for any therapeutic services such as counselling offered by any of its members via this website. Users of the therapist finder tool on this site do so entirely at their own risk and any issues of treatment should be raised directly with the member themselves.

The HS is not responsible for the outcome of any training offered by a member training organisation. Use of the trainer finding tool on the website is done entirely at the risk of the user.

While every effort is taken to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, no guarantee can be given that the website reflects Society policies or extant documents, procedures or similar at the time at which the user visits the website.

Members of the Society are responsible for updating their details with the Society to ensure up to date representation on the website.

Terms & Conditions of Membership

I hereby apply for Membership of the National Hypnotherapy Society (the "Society") and declare that all information submitted on this application (and any additional materials provided with it) is true, accurate and correct to the best of my knowledge. In the event that any information or materials that I submit to the Society is revealed to be false, misleading or tampered with, I understand that this may lead to disciplinary action being taken against me and may result in termination of Membership. This may be the case regardless of whether it was submitted with an application or during the period of active Membership.

I hereby authorise the Society to make enquiries as necessary to verify any evidence that I submit, including with regards to my professional practice status, either during the application process or subsequently.

I understand that on certain occasions the Society may find it necessary and/or appropriate to share my information (for example, with the PSA, other PSA Accredited Registers, statutory bodies or authorities or law enforcement bodies) solely for the purpose of and in the interest of public protection. I authorise the Society to keep a record of the information received from and about me, including my application documentation and any subsequent correspondence, in accordance with the Society's Privacy Policy (which can be found on its website).

I understand that if I become a Registrant member, I will also have my name, membership number and town/city of practice added to the Society's publically available hypnotherapy register. If I become a student or non-Registrant member, these details will not be included.

I understand that, unless and until I am granted registration and am formally approved for entry on the Society's Accredited Register, I cannot refer to, or publicise, my membership of the Society in any manner connected with practicing as a hypnotherapist. I specifically acknowledge that I cannot refer to, or publicise my membership in any way while an application is in process.

I understand that, if I am a student member I cannot advertise or refer to my membership of the Society in any manner connected with practicing as a hypnotherapist.

I acknowledge that if a complaint is made against me relating to client work that I will be subject to the Society's complaints procedure irrespective of my membership grade or registration status.

I understand that if a complaint is made against me to another PSA Accredited Register in relation to client work, I am obligated to inform the HS Immediately and to confirm the outcome of the complaint.

I acknowledge that, should I so advertise or publicise my membership without registration, my membership is liable to immediate suspension and further sanctions may apply.

I understand that:

  • Acceptance of my application for Membership is at the discretion of the Society. My application for Membership, or my Membership, may be declined or revoked at any time, should I fail to abide by the Society's Code of Ethics and Complaints Procedure, fail to make payment of any of the Society's fees or as a result of the disciplinary process.
  • If my application for Membership is successful, the Society will award me the membership grade appropriate to the evidence that I have submitted.
  • Membership will run for 12 months from the date that the annual membership fees are first paid (the "Start Date").
  • Subsequent annual membership fees will be due each year by the anniversary of the Start Date (the "Renewal Date") in order for Membership to remain active.
  • Membership fees are non-refundable once paid.
  • To cancel Membership, I must provide at least 1 month's written notice in advance of the Renewal Date to the Society's office address, which can be found on the Society's website. I will then cancel my Direct Debit and return any certificates awarded to me by the Society. I accept that if I fail to complete these actions then Membership will be deemed to be renewed on the Renewal Date.
  • My application and/or membership may be declined/revoked if my general conduct and behaviour (e.g. aggressive verbal communication) when dealing with the Society, my peers, or other service providers is deemed to be unreasonable in line with the Society's unreasonable behaviour policy, or deemed to be otherwise indicative of unsuitability for professional practice.

If my application is successful and Registrant status is granted, I agree to abide by the minimum required hours for CPD and Supervision, provide adequate insurance cover, and cooperate with any audits of my registrant status that may be required by the Society or other competent body.

If my application is successful and Membership is granted, I agree to accept the provisions of the Society's Constitution and to abide by the Society's Code of Ethics and Complaints Procedure for the time being in force (details of which are available on the Society's website or via the Society's offices).

Should a complaint be received about me, I confirm that I will fully cooperate with any of the Society's complaints procedures for the time being in force, including disclosing required evidence to the Society and answering any questions raised by the Society's Ethics Officer or complaints panels in the investigation of the complaint.

I acknowledge that if I resign or lapse my membership during a complaints process this is a violation of my Terms of Membership and will be recorded as such, including, if a Registrant, on the Society's website.