Betul Morova-Knight | Registrant… | National Hypnotherapy Society

Betul Morova-Knight

Member Status: Registrant

Member No: HYP14-01614

Location: Walsall

I am a certified Hypnotherapist with a Counselling Diploma. I use unique techniques to help you overcome your problems. Recent researchs show that our subconscious mind has an immense power over our life. With hypnotherapy I connect directly with your subconscious mind and get fast, effective and lasting results that you wish to achieve.
If you are long suffering from a problem such as any kind of addictions, fobias, weight issues, stuttering, lack of self confidence, self esteem, skin conditions, exam nerves and many more please contact me and book your telephone consultation completely free of charge. At this session I explain all about hypnotherapy and the techniques I use. In this session we also talk about your problem and find out about your personality type, the most effective ways to work with you, etc. This is the session where we get to know each other.
Hypnosis is entirely safe and a wonderful way to deal with your problems and change your life. You can remember the whole session if you so wish and you are in control all the time.
Client confidentiality is paramount to me and you will never be judged in my practice.
Thank you for checking my page and I am looking forward to hearing from you and help you to overcome your problems.