Joana Costeira | Registrant… | National Hypnotherapy Society

Joana Costeira

Member Status: Registrant

Member No: HYP22-00267

Location: Brighton

What do you need help with?

I can help you address difficulties related to anxiety (e.g. panic attacks, social anxiety, public speaking), stress, phobias, migraines, pain management, quit smoking, quit vaping, low self esteem, low self confidence, and sleep. If you have other difficulties please do not hesitate to contact me; wellbeing is complex and every symptom deserves attention.

What do sessions with me look like?

I offer a safe, welcoming and warm space for you to find yourself and find your balance. During our first session we can cover any questions and apprehensions about Hypnotherapy to ensure that you feel confident about the process.

The initial stage of the treatment is to get you comfortable and at ease. Then you can fully receive the hypnotic suggestions that will speak directly to your subconscious in order for you to make the changes you came in for.

My Yoga Nidra training adds a little flavour to these sessions, where I often guide you through an optional journey through the breath and the senses, with sounds like tibetan bowls, chimes and the kalimbo, as well as scents like lavender essential oil and a lavender eye pillow.

Optional recording of the Hypnotherapy session

As an option, I may record the Hypnotherapy session and offer it as a complimentary bonus for you to listen again in your own time (this is what's called Self Hypnosis). Listening to the recording more than once may help your subconscious retain the desired changes for longer. This recording may be destroyed at your request.

What do you need to do?

The first step is to book a complimentary 15min introduction call for us to meet each other and to find out if I can help you. Taking that first step towards healing can sometimes be scary, but there is no commitment at this stage.

Then we schedule an assessment call to look at your history and reasons why you feel that Hypnotherapy is right for you at this time. It is a chance for me to gather information to create an informed and bespoke treatment plan. This session lasts 50min and you can ask any questions you may have about the therapy. If there is time, I offer a taster of what Hypnotherapy looks like. Many clients get huge benefits from this first session alone just by talking out loud about what's been bothering them, especially those who come in for smoking cessation.

In this assessment call, I suggest a treatment plan and together we decide how this will look like, how many sessions, when and how (in person / online).

All sessions can be done via video call or in person in Brighton. Bear in mind that video call sessions do not currently include sound therapy.

About me

I am a Certified Hypnotherapist with a passion for learning and developing my personal and professional skills. My qualifications in Counselling Skills and Yoga Nidra inform my practice and I am currently training to become a Pluralistic Psychotherapeutic Counsellor.

With an extensive collection of trainings and qualifications, I’ve always had a passion for self development. I realised that I wanted to help others heal and find their balance in order to fulfil their life’s potential, and thus started formal training to pursue that goal.

What are others saying?

"I felt very supported by Jo in my hypnosis sessions. She has a very soothing demeanor and I found it very instinctual to fully relax and sink into the experience. She was very tuned to my needs and it always felt like a safe place to question and introspect. She uses beautiful sound healing instruments alongside the hypnosis, which for me were massively enhancing of the whole experience." I.B.

  • Qualifications & Experience
    List of qualifications and courses:

    - Trauma-informed Coach, The Centre for Healing, Dec 2023
    - Facilitator Training for Cuddles and Nervous System Regulation, with Eshana Spiers, Nov 2023
    - Diploma in Hypnotherapy and Counselling Skills, Prince’s Trust, Aug 2023
    - L3 Diploma Counselling Skills, The Learning Curve Group, Feb 2023
    - Total Yoga Nidra Teacher and Facilitator Training, Yoga Nidra Network, Jul 2022
    - The Art of Mandala Drawing: Create Geometric Patterns, with Lizzie Snow, Feb 2022
    - A Course in Channeling and Connection, with Kahreela An-hara, Dec 2021
    - Introduction to Public Speaking, University of Washington, Jun 2021
    - The Science of Wellbeing, Yale University, Jun 2021
    - Dreams that Heal - a Jungian Workshop, C.G. Jung Centre, Mar 2021
  • Languages Spoken
    • Portuguese
    • English