Debbie Pugh | Registrant… | National Hypnotherapy Society

Debbie Pugh

Member Status: Registrant

Member No: HYP22-00339

Location: Sudbury

Based in Suffolk, Debbie set up her business three years ago, originally focussing on coaching people to create transformational change in their lives. When she realised that the clients she was drawing in had self-esteem issues that usually stemmed from childhood challenges, she decided to take a more therapeutic approach to her work, and trained in Timeline Therapy™ and Hypnotherapy.

Debbie's approach with clients is one of empathy and intuition. She works with clients on developing confidence, overcoming anxiety and in particular tackling negative self-talk. Her aim is to empower people to discover all of the wonderful resources and resilience they hold inside them, so that they are in a position to create the change they desire, or to move to a place of acceptance.