National Hypnotherapy Society | Putting Mental Health First in…

With the pandemic impacting our lives for the last few years and a dark cloud of recession looming on the horizon, there are many of us in the UK that will be facing times of financial uncertainty. As the cost of living continues to skyrocket, wages continue to stagnate and companies everywhere are thinning their herds of employees, it can be hard to look to the future with positivity. Feelings of uncertainty and a lack of control over our finances and futures undoubtedly leads to stress, anxiety, and depression, which can have detrimental effects on our mental and physical health. Over half of the people who have experienced a recent mental health problem say that thinking about their financial situation makes them anxious, so it is really worth looking at how to manage both of these things as we ride out the impending economic storm.

Talk to someone

One in five people who experience a mental health problem do not seek help. There are numerous reasons that could contribute to this low figure, such as a lack of time, feelings of stigma, or the worry that other people seem to be getting on with it just fine. It is vitally important to stop comparing yourself to others and seek help for yourself. Even talking to a trusted friend over coffee can be a step in the right direction to facing your problems and getting support. You cannot pour from an empty cup, and other aspects of your life can suffer if you are struggling just to get through the day.

Build a budget

Everyone knows that their bills and rent and food costs are hiking up at a staggering rate, but it is vitally important to put this into perspective and look at your budget. Most of us will have to be trimming the fat on what luxuries we can afford but seeing your budget laid out before you can be a way to get a sense of control back. That way, we can also look at any outgoings that aren’t vital or productive and see what subscriptions have been hiking up their prices. It will also help you to see what you can afford, such as that weekly coffee with your friend.

Remove temptations

Speaking of budgeting, it can be all too easy to give in to temptations to purchase things that we don’t need for that little dopamine boost. If you are stressed, depressed, or anxious, you may spend more than fits into your budget for a quick win, but it is not worth the stress and financial uncertainty that will follow. There are steps that you can take to fortify against temptations, such as deleting shopping apps on your phone so you can’t browse during moments of boredom. Keep your wallet or purse out of easy reach and delete the card auto-fill from your phone. There also are free tools online at your disposal, such as ad-blocking software and software that blocks shopping sites for as long as you want.

Get moving

Movement is fantastic for your mental and physical health. The minimum recommended time to be moving with an elevated heart rate is 150 minutes a week, with 300 minutes being optimum for your health. Getting out of the house to stretch your legs can get your blood pumping and release endorphins to boost your mood. Perhaps a lull in your workday can be supplanted with a quick stroll around the block, or you can walk or cycle for your commute to work. Exercise is also free, so there’s no extra cost and your productivity at work will have a nice little boost, too. You could even make yourself go on a walk whenever you feel the urge to spend money on something unessential, distancing yourself from the temptation as well as giving yourself the lift that you’re craving.

Make sleep a priority

The average adult needs between 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night. Even better, the earlier you got to sleep in the evening, the more slow-wave sleep you can experience which is great for your health. If you’re staying up late and missing out on valuable sleep cycles, you are robbing yourself of good health, a clear mind, and a productive workday. However, if mental health or financial concerns are the things that are keeping you up at night, things can get a little more complicated. A few hypnotherapy sessions can be a great way to break this cycle of worry before bed and have you snoring before midnight in no time.

Get to know your patterns

There may be certain times of the day, week, or month when you are more likely to spend money. Perhaps during your lunch break, a Friday evening, or on payday. Take notice of how you feel when you spend money, and when you resist temptation. Look more closely into what aspects of dealing with money make your mental health worse. For example, it could be opening an envelope, checking your bank statement on your phone, when paying for the grocery shopping. Identifying these patterns and triggers can be helpful for preparing for moments of temptation or stress, so that you’re not caught off-guard. There are things you can do to mitigate these stresses as well, such as avoiding the internet during habitual spending windows, grocery shopping online so you can avoid impulse buys and see the cost upfront before checking out.


Hypnosis can be a powerful tool for interrupting those harmful habits and empowering us to take back control of our choices. It can be used to lessen our anxiety, stress, and depression, as well as managing the triggers that set off our urges to spend or our spikes of unease when we see another envelope drop through the letterbox. If you feel that you need a helping hand in managing your health and feelings towards your finances, then your local accredited hypnotherapist may be able to guide you towards success.

Overall, there are lots of ways for you to take back control of your mental health and finances. However, it is important to distinguish between unhelpful habits and serious problems. If you cannot control your spending habits, such as with a gambling addiction, a dependency on the brief high of a purchase, or you see your debt spiralling out of control, it is vital to seek help. There are services that can help you to get the support that you need. Speak to someone you trust or take a look online at the multitude of services at your disposal to help you and make the future look brighter. If you urgently need help, follow the links below.

Free gambling advice:

Debt care line:

NHS guide for mental health crisis support:

Financial abuse guide: