National Hypnotherapy Society | What is Hypnobirthing?

What is Hypnobirthing?

Hypnobirthing is the term used to describe using hypnosis in childbirth. It teaches you simple self hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques to help you have a calmer, less painful birth. With the ultimate goal being to give you back control and a better chance of feeling relaxed, calm and happier throughout.

What happens in the classes?

Every therapist will run slightly different session with varying techniques which all work towards the same outcome. Hypnobirthing essentially helps you change your mindset and alters the way you think and talk about labour and birth. For example, your teacher may talk about ‘tightenings’ or ‘surges’, rather than painful contractions - helping you feel more positive about your ability to give birth. You'll also learn about best positions for labour and birth, deep relaxation, self-hypnosis and breathing techniques.

Can my partner be involved?

During pregnancy and labour partners can often feel left out. If Hypnobirthing is something that you both decide on, it can be a wonderful way for you to work together towards a more relaxed labour. While sessions focus greatly on the mother giving birth there is also a great deal that your partner can learn in the classes. Such as, massage techniques, and positive things to say to help during labour.

Will I be awake?

During the birth you will be completely aware of what is happening to you and around you, you will not be in a trance or a sleep. Rather, you will be in full control and be able to communicate while feeling more relaxed.

Does hypnobirthing work?

Many studies have suggested that self-hypnosis during labour can reduce pain, create a more positive experience during childbirth, shorten the length of labour and help more women go home sooner after childbirth.

Is Hypnobirthing for me?

Anyone can practise hypnobirthing. Classes and therapist are becoming more popular and easy to find. Whether you are a first time mum or if you have previously had a traumatic birthing expire, hypnobirthing could help you to have a more natural and relaxed experience.

If hypnotherapy during childbirth is something you may be interested in, search our accredited register to find a hypnotherapist near you:

